Strona główna - Programs - Collagen Renewal


Collagen Renewal Program

It is a facial skin care program with spectacular effects. First of all, it quickly improves the condition of the facial skin – it fills, moisturizes and nourishes the skin in a way that takes several years away. Secondly, it allows you to maintain this effect for a long time.


The treatment is based on a set of Blue Diamond Spectrum ampoules and the first plant-based Collagen Vege in the world. The perfect complement to the care should be Blue Diamond cream.





The supervisor of the Collagen Renewal Program is Paulina Michalska

Paulina is a cosmetologist, COLWAY product trainer and an expert advising our Managers and Distributors. Paulina has developed an original method of applying Collagen Renewal products, which anyone can use at home.



Join the Kolagenowa Renewal group on facebook now [enter]. You will learn how to use the unique COLWAY care products and why they are effective. In addition, the Collagen Renewal group is very dense, i.e. authentic evidence of the sensational impact of cosmetics created with collagen in a visual form. It’s not everything! Even more information about the ingredients of Blue Diamond Ampoules served in an accessible film form by cosmetologist Paulina Michalska will deepen your knowledge and make the presentation of COLWAY brand products more attractive.



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